Socrates could really throw out the pithy one-liners, couldn't he? The unexamined life is not worth living is a favorite of mine.
I've been wrestling with breaking the dichotomy between teacher-directed and student-directed. Both have their traps and finding a third way that reconciles them can be hard to conceive. I invite you to check out some of my thinking and see what it sparks in you.
Socrates could really throw out the pithy one-liners, couldn't he? The unexamined life is not worth living is a favorite of mine.
I've been wrestling with breaking the dichotomy between teacher-directed and student-directed. Both have their traps and finding a third way that reconciles them can be hard to conceive. I invite you to check out some of my thinking and see what it sparks in you.
Hi Ash, it's interesting you are looking for a third way😄 Please share the link to the post where you explore this
How do I know i ha e learned?? And many other thought provoking questions
This Is really nice ..
Well done...
Thank you. I am honoured the questions provoked many thoughts 😁